Call Us: 917.626.1913
​"There is no accomplishment so easy to acquire as politeness, and none more profitable".
George Bernard Shaw
A2Z Manners & Social Skills Program
“The ABC's are attitude, behavior and communication skills.”
- Gerald Chertavian
This comprehensive program covers everything from greetings and table manners to bullying and social media.
I & We: The Value of Good Manners
Hello, My Name Is: Greetings, Handshake, First Impression
Magic words
Sharing and the big word "no"
Oops! I Goofed, and I am Sorry: Mistakes, Tact, Apologies, Rudeness
Friendship, Dealing with Teasing and Bullies
Good Hygiene and an Appropriate Dress Code
Good Host & Polite Guest
Life's a Party: Gift Giving and Receiving
#Selfie & #CareB4UShare
How to Speak Politely and Why?
Let's Eat: Setting the Table & Proper Use of Utensils
Mealtime: More Manners, Less Madness
CommYOUnication Skills Program
“With confidence, you have won before you have started.”
- Marcus Garvey
This program emphasizes the value of proper communication skills in all social settings, which builds confidence in children and young adults.
I & We: The Value of Good Manners
The Rules of Effective Communication
Presenting the Best You: Verbal & Non-Verbal Communications
Importance of Good Listening
Dialogue vs Monologue
Beyond Please and Thank You
“A person's a person, no matter how small.”
- Dr. Seuss
Children learn proper social interaction and communication skills with emphasis on respecting others.
I & We: The Value of Good Manners
Hello, My Name Is: Greetings, Handshake, First Impression
Magic words
Sharing and the big word "no"
Oops! I Goofed, and I am Sorry: Mistakes, Tact, Apologies, Rudeness
Friendship, Dealing with Teasing and Bullies
Table Manners Program
“The world was my oyster, but I used the wrong fork.”
- Oscar Wilde
This program focuses on table manner dos and don’ts, ensuring children feel at ease in any
dining/party setting.
I & We: The Value of Good Manners
Let's Eat: Setting the Table & Proper Use of Utensils
Mealtime: More Manners, Less Madness
A la carte classes​
Select a topic(s) from the below menu that is tailored to your needs.
I & We: The Value of Good Manners
Hello, My Name Is: Greetings, Handshake, First Impression
Magic words
Sharing and the big word "no"
Oops! I Goofed, and I am Sorry: Mistakes, Tact, Apologies, Rudeness
Friendship, Dealing with Teasing and Bullies
Good Hygiene and an Appropriate Dress Code
Good Host & Polite Guest
Life's a Party: Gift Giving and Receiving
#Selfie & #CareB4UShare
Let's Eat: Setting the Table & Proper Use of Utensils
Mealtime: More Manners, Less Madness
How to Speak Politely and Why?
The Rules of Effective Communication
Presenting the Best You: Verbal & Non-Verbal Communications
Importance of Good Listening
Dialogue vs Monologue
Not seeing what you need?
Call to discuss customizable packages, for your child /children, group or organization.